Publicity of Annual Review List of NENU Chinese Government Scholarship Students 2024

24-5-17 上午10:12 作者:ISO 【

In May 2024, a total of 284 NENU Chinese Government Scholarship students participated in the annual review of scholarship status (including 9 Ph.D. students who applied for an extension). After students' self-assessment, evaluation from school and university level, the number of qualified students is 283, and the number of unqualified students is 1. Based on this, the university will submit the annual review opinions to the China Scholarship Council. The final review results will be notified to students in August through the university.

 The Annual Review List of NENU Chinese Government Scholarship students is attached here 东北师范大2024年中国政府奖学金年度评审名单公示Publicity for NENU CSC Scholarship Annual Review List 2024. The public notification period is from May 17 to 20, 2024. If anyone is discontent, please submit your opinion in writing.

 Please use you real name and send it to ISO during the public notification period above.


Contact email:


Division of International Cooperation and Exchange

Northeast Normal University

May 17, 2024